Sunday, March 15, 2009


I think Spring started for me on my birthday. That day, before I left the house for school, I worried a little about the possibility of having another one of my mundane days. And I jokingly told myself,"C'mon man. You gotta have a good day today." I think it motivated me not to let myself slump into one of my lonely moods. And I didn't. For one, I did get an extra amount of love that day because it was my birthday. I acknowledge that. But, I did spend a certain amount of it alone. Times I tend to think a bit too much, get lost in thought. I know I told myself to give it a break. Not to go so easily into it. I consciously changed my perception in the given situations and made myself feel better. I think before when I would allow myself to feel sad, I consciously did that too. Anyway, doing that made me realize how I think I'm ready to make myself feel better. To an extent, I've been feeling out loneliness for quite some time now, and I'm ready to move on. 

Through the help of good things happening around me, what I call the work of Spring in my life, and my own effort to feel good, I've felt the change in seasons. I'm ready for warmth :) 

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