Monday, February 21, 2011

pre-present-post love

i wandered in with a look of endeavor but with no thought at all
and sure enough she was by the bar-side of the dancing hall
and dare not walk past as if i did not notice her blond curls
it's difficult to demonstrate indifference when in fact for a bit she through my life for a whirl

so i approached with the gift of an embrace and soft kiss on her face
told her i'm better now, well-equipped to be more than strangers
because truth be told, i have my closure and no feelings linger

why so easy now and a flood of tears before?
because i'm on the cusp of something with someone with so much more :)
true, i have stated similar sentences once, twice, thrice, even four
but i swear on everyone's life this is again something that must be explored

what will i find?
i'm not quite sure.
will it end in forever or a day or a year?
i don't fucking care.
all i do know is she is the TRUTH in the mirror.

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