Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just to get the fingers rolling.

These days, my wants don't surpass my haves. It's a wonderful thing but does require a bit of readjusting. It's strange going from less to more of what I want and still needing to pause. It's funny that whether I move from "negative" to "positive" or vice versa, I always need to take a deep breath. I need that second to take a step back and say "Wow." These days, after that step and that "Wow," I smile contently. I am at peace. I am happy. I am grateful. I guess that's just how I appreciate things good and bad. With a step back and a conscious decision to step back in. Funny. All that said, my mind rests at ease. Love.

1 comment:

  1. Reading your posts make ME feel peaceful! I can only imagine how you feel then. Amazing! You're amazing!
