Friday, January 30, 2009

Time and time again...

I learn the same lessons. I find that in my lifetime, the questions change because of circumstance but the answers repeat. It's funny and ironic, but it can make me feel like I've regressed. I don't believe I've regressed. I've just had to apply what I already know in a new way, with new variables. What I cherish about the whole experience is its humbling effect.

That's where I'm at right now. It's a time of listening, watching, absorbing. Less analyzing, judging, evaluating. I'm trying not to hold on so tight to my past and sense of self (possibly ego). I am what I am, and I go on in the world the way I do. I think for the most part, I'm a good person so I'm glad I don't have to worry about that.

Really, whatever struggles I have are with myself. Being content and happy. So, lately this means keeping things simple, having more clarity. Specifically, smoking less. That's key. I never thought there'd be a time where it felt imperative that I do for my own functioning but it's about that time. It's gonna be a combination of simple joys (reading, film, music, heartfelt conversations, family time) smoking less, getting into my yoga practice (taking care of my body), and reminding myself that Now is amazing. Having plenty of people that care and love me is a gift as well. Key words lately: humble, simple, thankful.

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