Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I don't think I've been content for a long period of time for a while now. That's kinda weird. It makes me feel bipolar. And, it's not the extremity part of bipolar, it's just the inconsistency. I haven't given it a lot of thought, but I think it might be true. I don't know what it is exactly. It could be possible that I'm just not feeling all I want to feel out of life. I feel most of it and I love most of it, but in a sense I still feel incomplete. I guess I could say I feel "unfulfilled." Gosh, this is whining. This is me being a spoiled child. I feel apologetic, but I'm just gonna keep exploring this. I guess I'm a bit disappointed in myself. I know so much. I've felt so much. I've experienced so much, and yet I have room to feel discontent with life. Oh... (sigh) my... I'm blogging this because to an extent I feel uncomfortable/self-conscious expressing these kinds of feelings to people directly. I feel like such a downer, and if I can help it, I don't do that. When I'm directly with people, I want to be a source of love and positivity. That's where I can separate how I feel and what I do: when I'm around people. I guess that's why I've been more anti-social lately. I figure if I'm gonna feel this way and act on it, I may as well be alone. No sense in wasting the time you share with someone. And it's not that I think there's anything wrong with that per se, but I feel alone in that aspect in my life. I'm not sure if I have an intimacy with anyone to do that with. A dear friend shared with me once that, "Sometimes. We just lay next to each other and cry." That sounded so beautiful to me. It still does.  

1 comment:

  1. i understand only wanting to project positivity when you're in the presence of others but sometimes positivity can be found/created behind something that doesn't seem to be that way, outwardly. talking about things (like a lack of peace and contentment) can sometimes be all you need to air your feelings and bring those things back in your life. even if talking isn't ALL that needs to be done, it certainly can breed some small bit of positivity - either because the person you talk to feels the same way and you can share a moment of feeling a bit less alone, or because you can get somebody's perspective on a tough situation, or just because you need to vocalize what's going on internally.
    anyway, you're not a downer. the only downer about any of this is that you think you are sometimes.
